
Mission Statement:

The Village of Tekonsha mission is to ensure the quality of life for its Citizens, to

pursue funding opportunities, and to govern honestly, intelligently and without

self-interest. The Village recognizes that these accomplishments will be through

creative leadership, motivated and dedicated personnel and community


2024 Fall News Letter

VILLAGE OF TEKONSHA More New Emergency Notification System Calhoun County Emergency Management and Dispatch are moving to Rave Alert powered by Smart 911 as the method for notifying residents when there is an emergency. Sign up for these notifications at calhouncountymi.gov/rave or text CALHOUN to 67283


Neither the Village, or any department, officer, or employee of the Village warrants the accuracy, reliability

or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints,

products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance

on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be

incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system

does so at their own risk.



Village of Tekonsha 537 N Church Street PO Box 301 Tekonsha, MI 49092 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm 517-767-4204 Council Meetings: Second Monday of the month @ 7:00pm (Unless other wise posted @ Village Office or Southern Michigan Bank & Trust) Council Meeting Dates: Calendar BOIL WATER ADVISORY LIFTED January 19, 2025 Boil Water Advisory is lifted. After two (2) consecttive sampling events 24 hours apart, all samples came back negative. The boil water advisory has been lifted. The Village will continue to chlorinate the water until 1/23/25. At that point we will allow chlorine in the water to naturally leave the system. Once the system is clear of chlorine we will re-sample as a safety precaution.
Village of Tekonsha 537 North Church Street, PO Box 301 Tekonsha, MI 49092 Tel: 517-767-4204 Fax: 517-767-4817
Our goal is to ensure the quality of life for our Residents
